Published on December 6, 2004 By DetlefGrohs In Personal Computing
I have 3 GMail invites if anyone is interested. The first people who leave a comment here, I will give you the invite.

Update: Done to 1 invite now...

Update: My invites are gone, but there are other invites being handed out on the comments thread, join in )

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 07, 2004
If there are any gmail invites left, I wouls like one sent to Thanks,
on Dec 07, 2004
May I have one?
on Dec 07, 2004
If anyone out there still has an invite remaining, i'd greatly appreciate one: currently (and thusly you know why i want something else - hehe) - Thanks!

on Dec 07, 2004
pland53, 5torm, and NeoRamasay--I sent you each one.
on Dec 07, 2004
I would love some gmail if anyone has any invites left. If you do, thanks in advance!!
on Dec 07, 2004
Umm, well, okay, as I hit Submit I realized I can't really give you a Gmail invite anytime because, well, I have a finite supply. But you know what I mean

hehe i do !. i have received it, and i adored your fake name, bluedev. very original .

thanks so much again, both bluedev for the invite and detlef grohe for the idea and for sharing.

mig XXX
on Dec 07, 2004
Johnny--Sent you one.

Mig--No problem. Enjoy it. I have been pleased with it as an email service.
on Dec 07, 2004
I have a couple as well. I am open to any takers... even T-bone or Muggaz.
on Dec 07, 2004
Thanks BlueDev, I appreciate it! Can't wait to try this out.
on Dec 07, 2004
Edited to remove email in an attempt to stop silly scammer
on Dec 07, 2004
can someone send me one if you can..thank email is
on Dec 07, 2004
I would like an invite please, what do I have to do to get it? Viveca.
on Dec 07, 2004
any G mail left
on Dec 07, 2004
id like an invite if there's someone sharin them, cummon dudes let em come!
on Dec 07, 2004
I have 6 invites, if anyone would like one.
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